Insurance Coverage

Taylor MacLellan Cochrane advises insurers and insured people on the interpretation of insurance policies in relation to the duty to defend and duty to indemnify. Our lawyers have extensive experience dealing with insurance issues, which gives them excellent insight into this complicated area of law.

Our experience includes advising and litigating coverage cases for companies and individuals on automobile, homeowners, disability, life, private medical, fidelity, professional indemnity, errors and omissions, marine, directors' liability, and crop insurance policies.


The Taylor MacLellan Cochrane Insurance Coverage Law Team can be contacted by e-mail at TMC Insurance Coverage Law or visit the Contact page for information on how to contact them by phone, fax, mail or to find out where our office is located.


Legal Services

Kentville Office / Mailing Address:
50 Bridge Street
Kentville, NS
B4N 2E4

Kingston Office:
643 Main Street
Kingston, NS

t: 902.678.6156 Kentville
t: 902.242.6156 Kingston
f: 902.678.6010
Toll Free: 1-888-4-TMC-LAW

Jonathan Cuming,


Toni-Ann Campbell

Tara Whynot