Contact Us

Please feel free to contact Taylor MacLellan Cochrane directly should you have any questions. You can reach us at:

Toll Free: 1-888-4-TMC-LAW

(902) 678-6156 Kentville

(902) 472-6156 Windsor

Main Fax:

(902) 678-6010

Firm e-mail:

Please note that sending a communication does not in and of itself create an attorney-client relationship. You should refrain from sending private and/or confidential information unitl an attorney-client relationship has been established.

Communication Information

Excellent communication between us is essential. Since much of our contact may be by phone we have developed the following communication guidelines which will assist us in providing high quality service to you.

It is important to the firm that we maintain prompt and productive communications with you. We also strive to minimize the frustrations of "telephone tag" or lost time on your part in waiting on return calls from our office. If any of the procedures outlined cause you concern, or special arrangements to contact you are required, please notify us immediately so that we can work out a mutually agreeable alternative plan.

  1. Telephone Conferencing Hours

    The firm's regular hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. We will usually be available to take or return your calls during these same hours. Please remember that at times we will not be available during these hours due to trial, meetings, client-related matters, community service, lunch and other events. The firm has implemented an efficient system for taking messages and we will endeavour to return calls promptly. If we are unable to return your call please be assured that someone from the firm will return your call within twenty-four hours. Should your call go unanswered we would appreciate your calling back and letting the message taker know when you originally left the message and that your original call has not yet been returned. The main Kentville Law Office number is 902-678-6156. The Windsor Branch Office number is 902-472-6156. If you are outside the local area we can be reached via our toll free number, 1-888-4 TMC LAW (1-888-486-2529).
  2. Preparing for Telephone Conferences

    Before calling, you may wish to prepare a list of those matters you wish to address. If we are not available when you call, please share your list with an assistant so that we will be prepared for our discussion when we return your call thereby saving you money and both of us valuable time. Please remember that only lawyers can give legal advice and employees of our firm who are not lawyers do not give legal advice and should not be asked to do so. You may also want to have pen and paper available before calling in order to make notes during our telephone conferences. This provides a convenient reference source of our conversation and of important dates, advice or instructions we may give you.
  3. Emergencies

    If your call is urgent and we are unavailable, please explain what the emergency involves to the person answering your call. Someone will take or return your call as soon as possible.
  4. Your Telephone Numbers

    Please leave your telephone number each time you leave a message. Although this information is in your case file having it on the phone message assists us in returning calls as quickly as possible. When leaving a message it would also be appreciated if you would let us know if we may call you during evening hours or on the weekends and at what numbers when unavoidable circumstances do not allow us to return your call during business hours or if we need to contact you on an urgent basis.
  5. Voicing Your Concerns

    We are very proud of our excellent and professional legal staff and feel sure you will enjoy working with them. If you have a concern regarding our lawyer/client relationship or are less than completely satisfied with our firm for any reason, please notify us directly and immediately. If for some reason you are not comfortable informing us of such matters directly please contact Lisa van Trigt, our Operations Manager, or Jon Cuming or Marc Comeau, our Co-Managing Partners, either will be able to listen to your concern and respond appropriately.
  6. Improving Our Telephone Conferencing

    Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve upon our telephone service or if you have any concerns or complaints regarding our handling of your calls ~ positive feedback is also welcome!
  7. Alternative Means of Communicating

    • FAX: In addition to contacting us by phone we can also be reached by fax at (902) 678-6010. When communicating by fax please be sure to address the cover page to a specific person's attention so that it reaches us without delay.
    • Electronic Mail: If you are a current or ongoing client of the firm you should discuss with your lawyer the potential risks of lack of confidentiality in using the internet for email communication. If you are not a current or ongoing client then your communication to the firm or a lawyer of the firm by email DOES NOT CREATE A SOLICITOR/CLIENT RELATIONSHIP and we can offer NO ASSURANCE OF CONFIDENTIALITY regarding any unsolicited information sent by you. Electronic mail (e-mail) is not always instantaneous. If you are forwarding an urgent communication by electronic mail please be sure to phone or fax and alert us in case it does not arrive as quickly as expected. Please refer to the following directory for the appropriate personal e-mail address:

Lawyer Directory

Legal Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.  
Bob Morrison Senior Partner 227  
Jeffrey D. Silver

Of Counsel 226  
Plamen Petkov Partner 228  
Jonathan G. Cuming


Partner 234  
Marc P. Comeau




Logan J.B. Grant Associate 261  
Arielle Francis Associate 283  
Michael A. Curry Associate 250  
Timothy D. Roberts Associate 274  
Rhiannon R. Dunphy Associate 446  
Katerina Hirschfeld Associate 282  


Staff Directory

Operations Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.
Lisa van Trigt Operations Manager

Shelby Wilkinson-Martin Accounting Clerk 273
Tricia Crossman Reception Kentville 221
Amanda Crichton Reception/Legal Assistant Windsor 445
Tara Whynot Gen/Legal Assistant 269
Property Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.

Darryl Dolliver,


Paralegal Supervisor 241
Pamela Moore Property Paralegal 249
Deidra Irving


Administrator 242
Susan Lawrence Title Searcher 251
Kaitlyn Royal Property Paralegal 290
Sharron Derhak Property Paralegal 277
Commercial Remedies Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.
Shelley Godwin Mortgage Enforcement Paralegal NS 260
Cathy Jones Mortgage Enforcement Paralegal NB, NL 275
Sandra Blakely Mortgage Enforcement Paralegal 262
Wills and Estate Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.
Hilary Pettigrew Probate Paralegal 242
Hayley Gates Probate/Will Assistant 271
Amanda Crichton Will/Probate Assistant 445
Corporate Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.
Terra Aston Corporate Paralegal 224
Litigation and Family Law Team
Name Position E-mail Ext.
Toni-Ann Campbell Litigation Paralegal 265
Alex Richard Litigation Legal Assistant 232
Jacqueline Ogbonna Litigation Paralegal 244
Phyllis Perry Family Paralegal 223

We value your having entrusted us to represent you and intend to provide you with efficient and excellent service. Thank you for having given us the opportunity to serve you. -- Taylor MacLellan Cochrane

Contact Us

Kentville Office / Mailing Address:
50 Bridge Street
Kentville, NS
B4N 2E4

Windsor Office:
189 Gerrish Street
Windsor, NS

t: 902.678.6156 Kentville
t: 902.472.6156 Windsor

f: 902.678.6010
Toll Free: 1-888-4-TMC-LAW


Operations Team


Jon Cuming,

Co-Managing Partner

Marc Comeau,

Co-Managing Partner

Lisa van Trigt,

Operations Manager

Shelby Wilkinson-Martin

Accounting Clerk

Tricia Crossman


Kentville Office

Tara Whynot

Gen/Legal Assistant

Kentville Office

Amanda Crichton

Receptionist/Legal Assistant

Windsor Office